The Golden Future af Diana Cooper

The Golden Future af Diana Cooper

189,00 DKK

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Model/Varenr.: FM19276

Discover how to raise your frequency and prepare for the golden future.

The current period, between 2012 and 2032, ist the most important that there has ever been in the history of the planet. A new fifth-dimensional Golden Age is imminent. It will be a time of peace and happiness, of caring and charing, and of community togetherness - all suported by incredible spiritual technology. With pure water, healthy food and free eco-power, the worls as we know it will have changed beyond recognition for the better. This is inevitable.

In this uplifting spiritual guide, bestselling author Diana Cooper shares her incredible knowledge snd insight of what lies ahesd, and how to prpare for this glorious golden future. You will discover:

* explanations for what is happening on Earth right now.
* the cosmic happenings predestined for 2032.
* the happy and spiritually enlightened life that awaits in the golden future.
* how to prepare and ascend to the fifth dimension

Work with Diana's guidance, visualizations and advanced ascension tools to open your higher chakras and raise your frequency, so that you are ready to embrace the new Golden Age